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Diabetes Can Knock You Off Your Feet

By April 23, 2020April 27th, 2020No Comments

The Southwestern Academic Limb Salvage Alliance (SALSA) has a broad social interest in helping measure and manage how people move through their world. We envision a future where we can help people stay active and informed as they move through that world. We believe that every day we see glimpses of the future in our clinics, in the operating room, in our laboratories, and in our community. We want to help to leave a legacy of improving mobility and stability, worldwide. To do that, we work on a daily basis on projects that create more activity-rich and ulcer-free days for people, worldwide.

At its core, SALSA is a collaborative clinical and research alliance that is dedicated to advancing care of the diabetic foot and preventing amputations in North America and worldwide. SALSA is the most productive research unit of its kind in the world and, with more than 10,000 patient visits per annum is one of the busiest such clinical units.